FPD Blog

Posted by Shelly Twining on Thursday, April 17, 2014 - 12:44

The Ohio Supreme Court’s Joint Task Force which includes judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and academics, spent two years reviewing the many problems presented in the 2007 ABA report. The ABA report presented overwhelming deficits of the standards for a fair and accurate state death penalty system.  After two years of review, the Joint Task Force concluded its work in November of 2013 and the report was published in draft this month.  To view the entire set of draft recommendations from the Joint Task Force, please...

Posted by Shelly Twining on Thursday, April 3, 2014 - 15:23

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine released on April 1, 2014 his office’s “Capital Crimes Annual Report” which per Ohio statute provides a background summary of individuals on Ohio’s death row and the procedural history of their cases.  The Ohioans to Stop Executions released a reported as well on April 1, 2014, entitled “The Death Lottery: How Race and Geography Determine Who Goes to Ohio’s Death Row.”  For muore information and to view both of the reports, please go to Resources - Additional Resources.  

Posted by Shelly Twining on Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 08:53

The ABA has begun an interactive project to measure the collateral consequences of criminal convictions. (For more information, click here.)This tool, along with the tool from the Ohio Justice and Policy Center (click here to view the tool), can provide useful information to individuals who are facing conviction or who have been convicted of criminal offenses.  In the long run for many persons facing charges in the criminal justice system, the...

Posted by Shelly Twining on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 08:58

The Executive Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States restores and also increases the hourly CJA panel rates to $126  for non-capital cases and $180 for capital cases.  The new rates will take effect on March 1, 2014.  For further information, please see Judiciary Restores Pay Rates for Panel Attorneys
