Audio Library

You will find short audio recordings in this section of our website. We plan to have this section always under construction through the addition of new audio clips as warranted by changes in the law, policy changes, or important developments affecting our criminal justice system. While we intend to make archived materials also available to you, please understand that the information conveyed in some of the archived recordings may be out of date at the time you listen to them.

The Changing Nature of Crack Cocaine in Federal Sentencing

09/12/2013 | Duration 8:04 | Jeffrey Lazarus, Assistant Federal Public Defender at FPD-OHN

Jeffrey Lazarus, an attorney at the Office of the Federal Public Defender (NDOH), discusses the Fair Sentencing Act, federal sentencing for crack cocaine, and U.S. v. Blewett

Introduction to Federal Public Defender's Audio Library

09/05/2013 | Duration 13:03 | Dennis Terez, Federal Public Defender

Dennis Terez, Federal Public Defender (NDOH), introduces the new audio library on the Federal Public Defender of Northern Ohio website.
